這是一部關于15世紀中國探險航海家鄭和的傳記。奉明朝黃帝朱棣之命,鄭和建造了一支由300多艘寶船組成的船隊,其中一些船只比足球場還大。他帶領船隊七次遠征東南亞、印度阿拉伯及非洲等地。一些歷史學家認為,在哥倫布開始探索新大陸之前60年,鄭和可能已經航行到了澳大利亞、歐洲和美洲。他的航海事跡可能就是電影《航海英雄辛巴達傳奇》的靈感來源。全書用淺顯的語言講述了鄭和的一生,尤其是七次下西洋的精彩故事。文字通俗易懂,生動傳神,有畫面感,非常適合兒童閱讀,也適合對中國歷史中國故事感興趣的外國讀者閱讀。 “The Seven Voyages of Zheng He; The Real Sinbad the Sailor,” is a mid-grade (ages 10-18) biography about the 15th Century Chinese explorer, Zheng He. At the instigation of Ming Emperor Zhu Di, Zheng He built a fleet of over 300 treasure ships, some of them larger than a football field, and led them on seven expeditions to S.E. Asia, India, Arabia, and Africa. Some historians believe he may also have sailed to Australia, Europe, and the Americas sixty years before Columbus set out to discover the New World. His journeys may have been the inspiration for the Legend of Sinbad the Sailor. Zheng He was a Muslim by birth, a Buddhist by training and, in practice, a follower of Matsu, the Chinese Goddess of the Seas. He was also exemplary in that he was able to spread the power and influence of the Ming Dynasty by peaceful means rather than through military conquest.