Foreword to the English Edition of A Life of Bodhi Preface Dharma Quotes The Spiritual Desolation of People in Modern Society Buddha Dharma as a Scavenger of Mind A Pure and Clear Mind Embodies Trueness, Goodness and Beauty in Mind Take refuge with Three Jewels and Lead a Happy Life Reflect on Yourself before You Judge Others Charities of Chinese Buddhism in the New Era Sermons of Ven. Mingsheng The Meaning and Value of Consecration Buddha Nusmrti and Dhyana: A Study on the Early Pure Land School in China On Building Harmonious Relations in an Enterprise with Buddhist Thoughts Introduction The Ideological Connotation and Values of the Formless Stanza in Modem Age Introduction Ideological Implication of Confession in Platform Sutra and its Values in Modern Age An Introduction to Master Tanluan's Prominence in History of the School of Pure Land An Introduction to Master Tanluan's Prominence in History of the School of Pure Land An Interview after a Successful Precepts Transmission