希望長著翅膀 0004 在這神奇的海上 -002 On this wondrous sea 0008 有一個詞 -004 There is a word 0012 晨光比從前更溫柔 -006 The morns are meeker than they were 0019 一片花萼,一枚花瓣,一根刺 -008 A sepal, petal, and a thorn 0021 我們輸了,因為我們贏了 -010 We lose—because we win 0033 假如記憶就是遺忘 -012 If recollecting were forgetting 0035 沒有人知道這朵小玫瑰 -014 Nobody knows this little Rose 0049 那樣慘痛的損失我已經(jīng)歷兩次 -016 I never lost as much but twice ……