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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)自然科學(xué)物理學(xué)氣體熱動(dòng)力潤(rùn)滑與密封



定 價(jià):¥88.00

作 者: 白少先,溫詩(shī)鑄 著
出版社: 清華大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787302598336 出版時(shí)間: 2022-01-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁(yè)數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






CHAPTER 1 Properties of gases.1 
1.1  Gas equations 1 
1.1.1  Ideal gas equations.. 2 
1.1.2  Gas index equation.. 3 
1.1.3  Actual gas equation. 5 
1.1.4  Degree of gas molecular freedom .. 5 
1.1.5  Specific heat capacity  7 
1.2  Viscosity ..7 
1.3  Property of wet gas .11 
1.3.1 Pressure .. 12 
1.3.2 Humidity. 13 
1.3.3 Dew point temperature 14 
References 14 
CHAPTER 2 Gas lubrication equations. 15 
2.1  Reynolds equation 15 
2.1.1  Derivation of Reynolds equation.. 16 
2.1.2  Reynolds equation in the polar coordinate system . 19 
2.1.3  Reynolds equation in the cylindrical coordinate system.. 19 
2.1.4  Lubrication parameters .. 20 
2.2  Energy equation.22 
2.2.1  Chang of gas inner energy 23 
2.2.2  External work on gas and energy loss 24 
2.3  Solid heat conduction equation and the interface equation ..26 
2.4  Numerical analysis method.27 
2.4.1  Finite difference method 27 
2.4.2  Flow conservation. 28 
2.4.3 Friction force balance . 34 
References 35 
CHAPTER 3 Isothermal gas lubrication .. 37 
3.1  Sliders .37 
3.1.1  Lubrication equation  38 
3.1.2  Pressure boundary condition 40 
3.1.3  Lubrication performance parameters.. 40 
VI Contents 
3.1.4  Hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of sliders.. 41 
3.1.5  Hydrodynamic lubrication characteristics of divergent sliders .. 43 
3.1.6  Lubrication characteristics of the magnetic head slider . 45 Journal bearing and radial seal .51 
3.2.1 Lubrication equations.. 52 
3.2.2 Boundary conditions  52 
3.2.3 Lubrication parameters .. 53 
3.2.4 Lubrication characteristics 55 
Spiral groove thrust bearing56 
3.3.1 Gas lubrication equations.. 59 
3.3.2 Pressure boundary conditions . 60 
3.3.3 Lubrication parameters .. 60 
3.3.4 Lubrication characteristics 61 
3.3.5 Spiral groove face seal 64 
3.3.6 Lubrication equations.. 65 
3.3.7  Pressure boundary conditions . 65 
3.3.8  Seal performance parameters.. 66 
3.3.9 Lubrication regularity . 66 
References 71 
Gas thermohydrodynamic lubrication of rigid surfaces.. 73 Sliders .73 
4.1.1  Gas lubrication equations.. 73 
4.1.2  Boundary conditions  75 
4.1.3 Thermal lubrication characteristics . 75 
Journal bearing and radial seal .79 
4.2.1  Lubrication equations.. 79 
4.2.2  Thermal boundary condition 80 
4.2.3 Lubrication property  80 
Spiral groove thrust bearing83 
4.3.1  Lubrication equations.. 83 
4.3.2  Boundary conditions  85 
4.3.3 Lubrication property  86 
Spiral groove face seal..86 
4.4.1  Temperature characteristics of gas film  91 
4.4.2 Lubrication property  94 
References 99 
Contents VII 
CHAPTER 5  Gas thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication of face seals . 101 
5.1  Fundamental equations101 
5.1.1  Lubrication equations 101 
5.1.2  Boundary conditions . 104 
5.2  Choked fluid effect107 
5.2.1  Model validation . 107 
5.2.2  Pressure distribution characteristics . 109 
5.3  Characteristics of thermoelastic distortions of seal faces..109 
5.4  Characteristics of gas thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication..111 
5.4.1  Mechanical distortions . 111 
5.4.2  Thermal distortions  115 
5.4.3 Thermoelastic distortions 117 
References. 120 
CHAPTER 6  Transient thermoelastohydrodynamic gas lubrication of face seals  121 
6.1  Fundamental equations121 
6.1.1  Dynamic equations. 122 
6.1.2  Lubrication equations 122 
6.1.3  Boundary conditions . 123 
6.1.4  Dynamic characteristic parameter . 123 
6.2  Dynamic characteristics of isothermal gas lubrication .124 
6.2.1  Axial stiffness and damping . 124 
6.2.2  Angular stiffness and damping  126 
6.2.3  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film .. 129 
6.3  Dynamic characteristics of thermal gas lubrication of rigid surfaces 130 
6.3.1  Axial stiffness and damping . 131 
6.3.2  Angular stiffness and damping  134 
6.3.3  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film .. 137 
6.4  Dynamic characteristics of gas thermoelastohydrodynamic lubrication..137 
6.4.1  Axial stiffness and damping . 137 
6.4.2  Angular stiffness and damping of gas film .. 139 
6.4.3  Amplitude-frequency characteristics of gas film. 140 References. 141 
VIII Contents 
CHAPTER 7  Vapor-condensed gas lubrication of face seals .. 143 
7.1  Fundamental equations143 
7.1.1  Wet gas equations .. 143 
7.1.2  Vapor-condensed parameter . 145 
7.2  Characteristics of vapor condensation in gas lubrication film 145 
7.3  Laws of vapor condensation in gas lubrication film..146 
7.3.1  Humidity.. 146 
7.3.2  Seal clearance 147 
7.3.3  Seal pressure . 148 
7.3.4  Rotational speed.. 148 
7.4  Movement of liquid drops on gas lubrication surfaces.150 
7.4.1  Surface wetting model . 150 
7.4.2  Surface-texture geometry parameters and wettability 152 
7.4.3 Droplet motion . 158 
7.4.4 Drop adsorption on seal surface . 164 
References. 164 
CHAPTER 8  Cryogenic gas lubrication of face seals 167 
8.1  Fundamental equations167 
8.1.1  Lubrication equations 168 
8.1.2  Boundary conditions . 171 
8.2  Phase change in gas lubrication film..172 
8.3  Characteristics of thermoelastic distortions of seal faces 173 
8.4  Characteristics of cryogenic gas lubrication173 
8.4.1  Ambient temperature  174 
8.4.2 Rotation speed.. 174 
References. 177 
CHAPTER 9  Surface grooves of gas face seals and testing technology.. 179 
9.1  Surface grooves of gas face seals .179 
9.2  Testing technology of gas face seals ..185 
9.2.1  Experimental setup. 185 
9.2.2  Face groove machining 185 
9.2.3  Face morphology test 187 
9.3  Experimental characteristics of gas face seals ..188 
9.3.1  Seal opening characteristic  188 
9.3.2  Hydrodynamic characteristics.. 190 
Contents IX 
9.3.3 Surface wear.. 192 
References. 195 
CHAPTER 10 Design of gas face seals  197 
10.1 Force analysis of gas seals197 
10.1.1 Opening force. 198 
10.1.2 Closing force.. 198 
10.1.3 O-ring friction force 199 
10.2 Geometric parameters of gas face seals 199 
10.2.1 Seal clearance. 199 
10.2.2 Seal face width.. 199 
10.2.3 Balance diameter.. 200 
10.2.4 Seal face and shaft (shaft sleeve) clearance.. 200 
10.3 Performance parameters of gas face seals201 
10.3.1 Leakage rate  201 
10.3.2 Gas film stiffness . 201 
10.4 Materials of the seal couple .202 
10.5 Dimension design of seal rings..202 
10.5.1 Design of rotor dimension .. 202 
10.5.2 Design of stator dimension . 203 
10.5.3 Design of the face groove 204 
10.6 Design of the secondary seal ..205 
10.7 Process of seal design and illustration205 
10.7.1 Process of seal design  205 
10.7.2 Design conditions. 206 
10.7.3 Design steps  206 
References. 218 
Index .219 


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