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Choukoutienology 周口店學(xué)

Choukoutienology 周口店學(xué)

定 價(jià):¥198.00

作 者: 齊陶
出版社: 浙江大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787308186247 出版時(shí)間: 2019-01-01 包裝: 精裝
開(kāi)本: 16開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  


暫缺《Choukoutienology 周口店學(xué)》簡(jiǎn)介


暫缺《Choukoutienology 周口店學(xué)》作者簡(jiǎn)介


1  Introduction
  1.1  Geomorphic Characteristics During the Sinanthropus Lifetime
    1.1.1  The Mountain and Plain
    1.1.2  Drainage System
  1.2  New Structural Movement During the Sinanthropus Period
  1.3  Ancient Earthquakes
  1.4  Cenozoic Stratigraphic Beds
    1.4.1  Pliocene
    1.4.2  Pleistocene
  1.5  Karst in Zhoukoudian Area
    1.5.1  The Kind of Karst
    1.5.2  Accumulation in the Cavern
    1.5.3  Development of the Cavern and Ancient Humans' Activities
  1.6  Palaeoclimate
    1.6.1  Background of Palaeoclimate
    1.6.2  The Relation Between the Clay-Mineral Combination and the Palaeoclimate
  1.7  Fossil Soil
  1.8  Chronology
    1.8.1  Sinanthropus Cavern
    1.8.2  Xindong Cave
    1.8.3  Upper Cave
    1.8.4  Layers 14-17 and Lower Conglomerate Beds
  1.9  Quaternary Glacial Relics at Zhoukoudian
    1.9.1  Glacial Erosion Landform at Zhoukoudian
    1.9.2  Glacial Accumulation
    1.9.3  Glacial Period and Interglacial Epoch
  1.10  UseofFire
  1.11  Fossil Invertebrates
  1.12  Fossil Vegetables
    1.12.1  Large Fossil Vegetable
    1.12.2  Spore and Pollen
2  Geology
  2.1  General Description and History of Zhoukoudian
  2.2  The late Cenozoic Deposits of Zhoukoudian
  2.3  The Zhoukoudian Fossiliferous Fissures
  2.4  Historical Summary -- Discovery of Site and Early Excavations
  2.5  Excavations: 1927-1932
  2.6  Occurrence of Sinanthropus Remains (Sinanthropus Loci A-G)
  2.7  A Summary of the Physiographical History of the Zhoukoudian Fissure Deposits
  2.8  Sites Where Fossil Human Beings and Mammals Were Found
    2.8.1  Locality 1 (Middle Pleistocene) (The Sinanthropus)
    2.8.2  Locality 2 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.3  Locality 3 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.4  Locality 4 (Middle-Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.5  Locality 5 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.6  Locality 6 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.7  Locality 7 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.8  Locality 8 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.9  Locality 9 (Early Pleistocene)
    2.8.10  Locality 10 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.11  Locality 11 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.12  Locality 12 (Early Pleistocene)
    2.8.13  Locality 13 (Early-Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.14  Locality 13A (Early-Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.15  Locality 13B (Early-Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.16  Locality 14 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.17  Locality 15 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.18  Locality 18 (Early Pleistocene)
    2.8.19  Locality 19 (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.20  Tianxianbei Cave (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.21  Locality 20 (Middle-Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.22  Locality 21 (Middle-Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.23  Locality 22 (Middle-Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.24  Locality 23 (Middle-Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.25  Locality 24 (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.26  East Cave (Early Pleistocene)
    2.8.27  Western Cave (Early Pleistocene)
    2.8.28  Shangdian Cave (Middle Pleistocene)
    2.8.29  Donglingzi Cave (Late Pleistocene)
    2.8.30  Cap Formation (Pliocene: Villafranchian or earlier)
    2.8.31  UpperCave
    2.8.32  Geological Section of Zhuwo
    2.8.33  Yuyuantan
    2.8.34  Geological Section of Fuchengmen Gate
    2.8.35  Geological Section of Longya Cave
    2.8.36  Geological section of Xiwongzhuang Fissure
    2.8.37  Geological Sections of Yunshui Cave
    2.8.38  Monniuhe Section (Q3)
  2.9  Other Quaternary Mammalian Sites in Beijing
3  Palaeoanthropology
  3.1  Homo (Sinanthropus) erectus pekinensis
    3.1.1  Structural Characteristics of the Skull of Homo (Sinanthropus) erectus pekinensis
    3.1.2  Skull Specimens
    3.1.3  Facial Bones
    3.1.4  Teeth Characteristics
    3.1.5  Teeth Specimens
    3.1.6  Mandible Characteristics
    3.1.7  Mandible Specimens
    3.1.8  Characteristics of the Extremity Bones of Sinanthropus
    3.1.9  Extremity BoneSpecimens
  3.2  New Cave Man
  3.3  Upper Cave Man
  3.4  Tianyuan 1 (Tianyuan Cave Man) (An Early Modem Human)
4  Palaeolithic
  4.1  Artefacts of Locality 1
    4.1. I  Raw Materials of the Stone Artefacts of Locality 1
    4.1.2  Synthetic Introduction
    4.1.3  General Characteristics of Lithic Artefacts and "Sinanthropus Culture"
    4.1.4  Concerning Problems on Subdivision of Cultural Stage of the Sinanthropus Culture
    4.1.5  Problems about Sinanthropus Culture
    4.1.6  Artefacts and Their Characteristics in Each Layer of Locality 1
  4.2  Artefacts from Locality 3
  4.3  Artefacts from Locality 4
  4.4 Artefacts from Locality 13
  4.5  Artefacts from Locality 15
  4.6  Artefacts from Locality 22
  4.7  Artefacts from Upper Cave
    4.7.1  Chert and Flint Implements and Flakes
    4.7.2  Pebble Made Tools
    4.7.3  Quartz Side-Scraper
    4.7.4  Bipolar Implements and Flakes
    4.7.5  Another (Bipolar) Specimen of Vein Quartz
    4.7.6  Other QuartzArtefacts
  4.8  Bone and Other Implements
    4.8.1  Locality 1
    4.8.2  Locality3
    4.8.3  Locality 4
    4.8.4  Upper Cave
  4.9  Kinds and Classification of Bone and Horn Implements
5  Vertebrate Palaeontology
  5.1  Fossil Pisces
    Order Cypriniformes
  5.2  Fossil Amphibia
    Order Anura
  5.3  FossilReptilia
    Order Chelonia
    Order Lacertiformes
    Order Serpentiformes
  5.4  Fossil Aves
    Order Struthioniformes
    Order Ciconiiformes
    Order Anseriformes
    Order Falconiformes
    Order Galliformes  3 I
    Order Gruiformes
    Order Charadriiformes
    Order Columbiformes
    Order Strigiformes
    Order Apodiformes
    Order Coraciiformes
    Order Piciformes
    Order Passeriformes
  5.5  Fossil Mammalia
    Order Insectivora
    Order Chiroptera
    Order Primates
    Order Lagomorpha
    Order Rodentia
    Order Carnivora
    Order Proboscidea
    Order Perissodactyla
    Order Artiodactyla
  5.6  Fossil Mammals in Each Site
    5.6.1  Locality 1
    5.6.2  Locality2
    5.6.3  Locality 3
    5.6.4 Locality 4 (New Cave)
    5.6.5  Locality5
    5.6.6  Locality6
    5.6.7  Locality7
    5.6.8  Locality8
    5.6.9  Locality9
    5.6.10  Locality 10
    5.6.11  Locality 11
    5.6.12  Locality 12
    5.6.13  Locality 13
    5.6.14  Locality 13A
    5.6.15  Locality 15
    5.6.16  Locality 18
    5.6.17  Locality 19
    5.6.18  Tianxianbei Cave
    5.6.19  Locality 20
    5.6.20  Locality 21
    5.6.21  Locality 22
    5.6.22  Fossil mammals of Locality 23
    5.6.23  Locality 24
    5.6.24  Upper Cave
    5.6.25  "Cap" (Locality 1)
    5.6.26  Zhuwo (a railroad station)
    5.6.27  Fossil mammals found in Yuyuantan
    5.6.28  Fossil mammals found in Fuchenmen Gate, near Beijing
    5.6.29  Longya Cave
    5.6.30  YunshuiCave
    5.6.31  Xiwong
    5.6.32  Mengniu River, Fangshan District (Beijing)
    5.6.33  East Cave
    5.6.34  West Cave
    5.6.35  Shangdian Cave
    5.6.36  Donglingzi Cave
    5.6.37  Dongfang Plaza in the central area, Wangfujing, Beijing
  5.7  Quaternary Mammalian Faunas of China


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