序一/ Foreword I 打開滇金絲猴這扇窗/和鑫明 Opening a window on the Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys / He Xinming 序二/ Foreword II 它們的嘴都笑紅了/高健生 They smiled until their lips turned red / Gao Jiansheng 自序/ Preface 我深深地愛上了這些雪山精靈/李?;?br />I am deeply in love with these smart creatures of the snow mountains / Li Fuhui 你知道嗎? / Did you know? 一張“最像人類的臉” A face “just like ours” 奇特的“全雄”群 The peculiar all-male “bachelor group” 它們是艱苦卓絕而又活色生香的“高山精靈” The smart creatures of the snow mountains 滇金絲猴的繁衍生息 Family life 待解之謎,它們有著怎樣的智商和情商? An enigma: how intelligent are they, and what emotions do they feel? 結(jié)束語:失而復(fù)得的“傳奇發(fā)現(xiàn)”和高效的“野生保護(hù)模式” Concluding remarks: Their legendary discovery and rediscovery; now, can we keep them safe? 后記/ Afterword 轟轟烈烈,張張精彩/于守山 Every photograph a masterpiece / Yu Shoushan