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定 價:¥108.00

作 者: 周桂銀,包廣將 編
出版社: 廈門大學出版社
叢編項: 廈大南洋國際關系系列教材
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787561579961 出版時間: 2021-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 572 字數(shù):  






Part I Realism
Chapter One Realist Legacy
1. Thucydides, Of the Nature of State Interest or the Melian Dialogue
2. Machiavelli, The Prince
3. Hobbes, Of the State of Nature
4. Hegel, The Absolute Power of the Nation-State
5. Clausewitz, On the Nature of War
Chapter Two Classical Realism
6. Mahan, The Benefits of Sea Power
7. Mackinder, The Struggle for Control of the Heartland
8. Niebuhr, The Amorality of States
9. Carr, Power and Morality in International Relations
10. Morgenthau, A Realist Theory of International Politics
11. Aron, Transnational Society and International Systems
Chapter Three Neorealism
12. Kaplan, Six Types of International System
13. Waltz, Political Structures in International Politics
14. Gilpin, The New Global Economic Order
15. Jervis, Cooperation under Security Dilemma
16. Mearsheimer, Anarchy and the Struggle for Power
17. Lobell, Ripsman, and Taliaferro, Neoclassical Realist Conception of the
State and International System
Part II Liberalism
Chapter Four Liberal Legacy
18. Grotius, The Law of War and Peace
19. Vattel, Idea and General Principles of the Law of Nations
20. Rousseau, A Project of Perpetual Peace
21. Kant, Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
22. Bentham, A Plan for an Universal and Perpetual Peace
23. Cobden, A Critique of the Balance of Power
Chapter Five Liberalism in the Heyday
24. Angell, The Great Illusion
25. Wilson, The Fourteen Points
26. Zimmern, The League as an Experiment in International Cooperation
27. Mitrany, A Working Peace System
28. Deutsch, Security Communities
29. Haas, Regimes and Organizations
Chapter Six New Liberalism
30. Falk, The World Order Perspective
31. Keohane, Cooperation after Hegemony
32. Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars
33. Doyle, Liberalism and World Politics
34. Rawls, The Principles of the Law of Peoples
35. Ikenberry, The Future of the Liberal World Order
Part III Marxism
Chapter Seven Classical Marxism
36. Marx and Engels, Manifesto of The Communist Party
37. Lenin, The Place of Imperialism in History
Chapter Eight Marxism in the West
38. Galtung, A Structural Theory of Imperialism
39. Wallerstein, The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System
Chapter Nine Marxism in the South
40. Frank, World System in Crisis
41. Sunkel, Big Business and Dependencia
42. Amin, The Ancient World Systems versus the Capitalist World System
Part IV The English School and Constructivism
Chapter Ten The English School
43. Wight, Western Values in International Relations
44. Bull, Anarchy and Order in International Society
45. Watson, Characteristics of International Society
46. Buzan, The Primary Institutions of International Society
Chapter Eleven Constructivism
47. Katzenstein, National Security in a Changing World
48. Johnston, Chinese Strategic Culture
49. Wendt, The Constitution of Interests by Ideas
Part V New Theories and Emerging Trends
Chapter Twelve Critical Theory
50. Cox, A Critical Theory of Werld Order
51. Linklater, A Critical Theory of International Relations
Chapter Thirteen Postcolonialism
52. Said, The European Orientalism in the Eighteenth Century
53. Spivak, The Postcolonial Critic: Migrant Writings in Australia
54. Bhabha, The Location of Culture: The Commitment to Theory
Chapter Fourteen Feminism
55. Tickner, Feminist Perspectives on Security
56. Runyan and Peterson, Gender in Global Politics
Part VI Ontology, Epistemology and Methodology
Chapter Fifteen Ontology
57. Wight, The Three Traditions of International Theory
58. Hoffmann, An American Social Science: International Relations
Chapter Sixteen Epistemology


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