Ⅰ Epidemiological Characteristics of Major Chronic Diseases and Related Factors (Ⅰ)Causes of death: status and trends? 002 1. Proportion of total deaths caused by chronic diseases? 002 2. Overall and specific mortality rates from chronic diseases? 003 3. Distribution of specific chronic diseases causing death? 004 4. Trends in chronic disease mortality rates over time? 004 5. Geographic distribution of deaths due to major chronic diseases? 005 (Ⅱ)Chronic disease prevalence: status and trends? 007 1. Overweight and obesity? 007 2. Hypertension? 008 3. Diabetes? 009 4. COPD? 011 5. Osteoporosis? 012 6. Oral hygiene? 013 7. Mental health? 014 (Ⅲ)Social determinants of chronic diseases: status and trends? 014 1. Gross domestic product (GDP)? 014 2. Total health expenditure? 015 3. Urbanization? 015 4. Aging? 016 (Ⅳ)Lifestyle factors related to chronic disease? 017 1. Diet and nutrition? 017 2. Tobacco use? 018 3. Alcohol consumption? 019 4. Physical activity? 020 Ⅱ Overview of Major Policies for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control (I)List of key documents (2015-2021)? 021 (II)Excerpts from key policy documents? 022 1. Law of the People’s Republic of China on Basic Medical and Health Care and the Promotion of Health? 022 2. Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035? 024 3. Outline of the Healthy China 2030 Plan: chronic disease prevention and control? 029 4. “5×5” Strategy for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases? 036 Ⅲ Analysis of Key Points: Related Indicators of Major NCDs (I)Major NCDs? 037 1. Cardiovascular diseases? 037 2. Cancer? 040 3. Chronic respiratory diseases? 042 4. Diabetes? 044 5. Mental health ? 046 (II)Key population groups? 048 1. The elderly? 048 2. Women and children? 051 3. The occupational population? 055 (III)Main risk factors?/057 1. Diet and nutrition? 057 2. Tobacco use and alcohol consumption? 060 3. Physical activity? 062 Ⅳ Main Actions for Prevention and Control of NCDs (I)Consolidating the monitoring system? 064 (II)Building National Demonstration Areas for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of NCDs? 066 (III)Advancing the China Healthy Lifestyle for All (CHLA)? 068 (IV)Consolidating publication of health information? 069 (V)Strengthening NCDs management? 070 1. Management of patients with diabetes? 070 2. Management of patients with hypertension? 071 (VI)Expanding projects on strokes? 071 (VII)Increasing tobacco control? 073 1. Implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control? 073 2. World No Tobacco Day Initiative? 074 (VIII)Reducing salt intake through intensive efforts? 075 (IX)Promotion of oral health? 077 1. Nationwide actions? 077 2. Interventions for high-risk groups? 078 (X)Exploring self-management in patients with NCDs? 078 (XI)Actively addressing health issues in the elderly? 079 1. Health management of the elderly? 079 2. Prevention and intervention of key diseases in the elderly? 079 V Prospects