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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書經(jīng)濟管理經(jīng)濟世界經(jīng)濟實用物流英語



定 價:¥46.00

作 者: 王淑花 潘愛琳
出版社: 首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787563834648 出版時間: 2023-03-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  






Chapter 1 Logistics
.Preview: The Nature and Historical Development of Logistics …………………1
.In-class Activities: Daily Communication and E-mail Writing ………………10
.After-class Activities: Conduct a Case Study  …………………………………15
.Vocational Skills: Key Elements of a Presentation ……………………………16
Chapter 2 Warehouse Management
.Preview: The History and Practices of Warehousing …………………………18
.In-class Activities: Receiving Calls and Apology Letter Writing ……………25
.After-class Activities: Share Your Predictions ………………………………28
.Vocational Skills: Context in Presentation ……………………………………29
Chapter 3 Inventory
.Preview: The Signi.cance of Inventory Management ………………………30
.In-class Activities: Oral Report and Brie.ng Writing ………………………39
.After-class Activities: Create Your Brie.ng …………………………………44
.Vocational Skills: Becoming a Successful Presenter …………………………45
Chapter 4 Transportation Management 
.Preview: Transportation Modes and Technologies ……………………………47
.In-class Activities: Negotiation on Shipment and Sales Letter Writing ………55
.After-class Activities: Share Your Strategies …………………………………59
.Vocational Skills: Keep Your Audience Engaged ……………………………60
Chapter 5 Packaging
.Preview: The De.nition and Function of Packaging …………………………62
.In-class Activities: Create Your Advertisement ………………………………69
.After-class Activities: Share Your Design ……………………………………73
.Vocational Skills: Verbal Message in a Presentation …………………………75
Chapter 6 Distribution
.Preview: Smart Choice of Distribution ………………………………………80
.In-class Activities: Parcel Tracking and Report Writing ……………………91
.After-class Activities: Share Your Solution ……………………………………95
.Vocational Skills: Non-verbal Message in Presentations ……………………96
 Chapter 7 Procurement
.Preview: Procurement Process and History …………………………………98
.In-class Activities: Placing Orders and Memo Writing ………………………106
.After-class Activities: Justify Yourself …………………………………………110
.Vocational Skills:Dressing in Presentation …………………………………111
Chapter 8 Supply Chain Management
.Preview: Signi.cance of E.ective Supply Chain Management ………………113
.In-class Activities: Receiving the Supplier and Complaint Letter Writing …121
.After-class Activities: Conduct a Research ……………………………………126
.Vocational Skill: Methods to Deliver a Presentation …………………………127
Chapter 9 Logistics Information System
.Preview: New Technologies in the Logistics Industry ………………………129
.In-class Activities: Talking about Bills of Lading and 
                             Creation of Commercial Invoice ………………………………………………138
.After-class Activities: Make Interpretations …………………………………143
.Vocational Skill: Factors In.uencing the E.ectiveness of a Presentation ……145
Chapter 10 Customer Service
.Preview: De.nition and Strategies ……………………………………………147
.In-class Activities: Customer Communication and Follow-up 
                              Letter Writing …………………………………………………………………154
.After-class Activities: Create Your Own De.nition …………………………158
.Vocational Skills: Visual Aids in Presentation ………………………………159
Chapter 11 International Logistics
.Preview: De.nition, Function and Trends ……………………………………160
.In-class Activities: Dealing with International Warehousing and Freight ……168
.After-class Activities: Make Comparisons ……………………………………173
.Vocational Skills: Interaction with the Audience as an Expert ………………175
Chapter 12 Third-Party Logistics & Reverse Logistics
.Preview: De.nitions and Functions …………………………………………176
.In-class Activities: Meeting Discussion and Contract Writing ………………186
.After-class Activities: Find the Preferences ……………………………………192
.Vocational Skills: Ways to Make Your Presentation More Interactive ………193


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