Becoming truly successful in sales involves a journey. Along the way, sales professionals must confront challenges involving attitudes, perceptions, and mental barriers as they learn how to work with clients and manage their own careers. Your Successful Sales Career is a one-of-a-kind manual for rookies and seasoned sales pros alike. This powerful career-enhancer offers exercises, scenarios, and techniques that will help salespeople rise to the top of their profession. Readers will learn: * 25 strategies for sales success * Why it's important to concentrate more on "why people buy," than "how to sell" * How to take the pressure off during a sales call, and why you should never begin a sales call with a presentation * And how to use the author's foolproof method for establishing trust and communicating with prospects Along the way, readers will uncover information about themselves that will help them fine-tune the techniques and incorporate them into their current sales practices. In the end, the reader will have everything necessary to become a master of the art of salesmanship.
Foreword Preface: Warning Acknowledgments Introduction PART ONE: GETTING STARTED 1 Discovering the Salesperson Within 2 Creating a "Go" Plan of Action 3 Finding the Right Job 4 Getting Started on the Job 5 Say Goodbye to the Old Game of Sales PART TWO: GETTING THERE-THE ao-STEP INTERVIEW FOR SALES SUCCESS 6 Step 1-Pre-Call Planning 7 Step 2-Establishing Rapport 8 Step 3-Finding the Pain 9 Step 4-Budget, Terms, and Conditions 10 Step 5-Finding the Decision Maker 11 Step 6-The Review 12 Step 7-The Presentation 13 Step 8-The Reinforcement 14 Step 9-The Close 15 Step 10-After the Sale PART THREE: STAYING ON TOP 16 Why Sales Careers Plateau 17 Optimize Your Time with Client Categories 18 Marketing Strategies for Selling Professionals Recommended Resources Index