This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, ICCHP 2002, held in Linz, Austria in July 2002.The 155 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers evaluate how various fields in computer science can contribute to helping people with various kinds of disabilities. Among the technical fields evaluated are information systems, information society, computer-assisted education, human-computer interaction, interface design, virtual reality, Internet applications, mobile computing, assistive technology, communication technology, multimedia, display technology, haptic copmuting, audio interfaces, and societal and administrative issues.
Invitde Contributions Universal Access to Information Society Technologies:Opportunities for Peole with Disabilities Computer and Inclusive Education Virtual Reality Hearing Impairde People-Computers and Communication Computers for the Development of Young Disablde Children Mobility Impaired People-Individual Authonomy Typing-Alternative and Augmentative Communication Accessible Digital Media Electronic and Virtual Libraries:Access for Print Disabled People Blind and Visually Impaired Impaired People-Mobility and HCI Access to Mathematics by Blind Students Blind People-Tactile Graphics,Displays,and HCI hAPTIC and Audio Interfaces and Virtual Reality for Blind and Partially Sighted People Blind People-Human Computer Interaction Blind People- Braille Printing People with Disabilites-Daily living Access Music People with Disabilities-Political,Legal,and Individual Aspects IT-Certficiates to Foster the Vocational Intergration of People with Disabilities:ECDLPD Studying and Academic Mobility-IT Support for People with Disabilities International Collaboration to Improve Assistive Technology Outcomes Author Index