This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2005, held in Shanghai, China in December 2006.The 30 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 314 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on attacks on hash functions, stream ciphers and boolean functions, biometrics and ECC computation, id-based schemes, public-key schemes, RSA and factorization, construction of hash function, protocols, block ciphers, and signatures.
Attacks on Hash Functions Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications Improved Collision Search for SHA-0 Forgery and Partial Key-Recovery Attacks on HMAC and NMAC Using Hash Collisions Stream Ciphers and Boolean Functions New Guess-and-Determine Attack on the Self-Shrinking Generator On the (In)security of Stream Ciphers Based on Arrays and Modular Addition Construction and Analysis of Boolean Functions of 2t + 1 Variables with Maximum Algebraic Immunity Biometrics and ECC Computation Secure Sketch for Biometric Templates The 2-Adic CM Method for Genus 2 Curves with Application to Cryptography Extending Scalar Multiplication Using Double Bases ID-Based Schemes HIBE With Short Public Parameters Without Random Oracle Forward-Secure and Searchable Broadcast Encryption with Short Ciphertexts and Private Keys On the Generic Construction of Identity-Based Signatures with Additional Properties Public-Key Schemes On the Provable Security of an Efficient RSA-Based Pseudorandom Generator On the Security of OAEP Relationship Between Standard Model Plaintext Awareness and Message Hiding RSA and Factorization On the Equivalence of RSA and Factoring Regarding Generic Ring Algorithms Trading One-Wayness Against Chosen-Cipherte~t Security in Factoring-Based Encryption A Strategy for Finding Roots of Multivariate Polynomials with New Applications in Attacking RSA Variants Construction of Hash Function Indifferentiable Security Analysis of Popular Hash Functions with Prefix-Free Padding …… Protocols Block Ciphers Signatures Author Index