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建筑裝飾材料(英文版 精裝)

建筑裝飾材料(英文版 精裝)

定 價:¥88.00

作 者: Y Li ,S Ren 編
出版社: 遼寧教育出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9780857092571 出版時間: 2011-05-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  Buildings should not only be functional but aestheticallypleasing. This requires the use of decorative materials both on theexterior and inside a building. Building decorativematerials reviews the range of materials available and theirpotential applications.The book begins by considering the main types of decorativematerial and the physical, mechanical and other properties theyrequire. It then discusses types and potential uses of decorativestone materials such as marble, granite, slate or gypsum. Itcontinues to discuss the ways cement and concrete can be used fordecorative effect, before considering the role of ceramics in suchareas as tiling. The following chapters review decorative glass forwindows or facades, metals and wood before assessing polymermaterials such as plastics and textiles. The final group ofchapters discuss coatings, including waterproofing materials,multi-functional materials used for such purposes as soundproofingand thermal insulation, and the use of more sustainable decorativematerials.


  The principal editorsYan Li and Shuxia Ren have coordinated a team ofauthors who are leading experts involved in teaching the nationalbuilding decorative materials course in China.


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