Chapter 1 Adaptation and Injury of Cells and Tissues 1.1 Adaptation 1.2 The Cause and Mechanism of Cell Tissue. Damage 1.3 Reversible Injury 1.4 Cell Death 1.5 Cellular Aging Chapter 2 Tissue Repair 2.1 Regeneration 2.2 Fibrous Repair 2.3 Wound Healing Chapter 3 Regional Hemodynamic Disorders 3.1 Hyperemia and Congestion 3.2 Hemorrhage 3.3 Hemostasis and Thrombosis 3.4 Embolism 3.5 Infarction 3.6 Edema Chapter 4 Inflammation 4.1 Overview 4.2 Acute Inflammation 4.3 Chronic Inflammation Chapter 5 Neoplasm 5.1 Definition and General Morphology of Neoplasm 5.2 Differentiation and Atypia of Neoplasm 5.3 Nomenclature and Classification of Neoplasm 5.4 Growth and Spread of Neoplasm 5.5 Grading and Staging of Neoplasm 5.6 Effects of Neoplasms on the Host 5.7 Identification Between Benign and Malignant Neoplasms 5.8 Brief Introduction of Common Neoplasms 5.9 Precancerous Diseases (or Lesions), Atypical Hyperplasia, and Carcinoma in Situ 5.10 Molecular Detection of Neoplasm 5.11 Molecular Basis of Carcinogenesis 5.12 Etiology of Neoplasms 5.13 Neoplasm and Genetics 5.14 Host Defense Against Neoplasm:Tumor Immunity Chapter 6 Environmental and Nutritional Diseases 6. 1 Environmental Po]]ution 6.2 Chemical and Drug Injury 6.3 Injury by Physical Agents 6.4 Nutritional Diseases Chapter 7 The Blood Vessel and Heart 7.1 Atherosclerosis 7.2 Ischemic Heart Disease 7.3 Hypertension 7.4 Rheumatism 7.5 Infective Endocarditis 7.6 Valvular Heart Disease 7.7 Cardiomyopathy 7.8 Myocarditis 7.9 Aneurysm and Dissections Chapter 8 Respiratory Diseases 8.1 Respiratory Tract and Pulmonary Infections 8.2 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 8.3 Pneumoconiosis 8.4 Pulmonary Hypertensive Heart Disease--Cor Pulmonale 8.5 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome(ARDS) -.-- 8.6 Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn 8.7 Carcinomas of the Lung 8.8 Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 8.9 Carcinoma of the Larynx 8.10 Pleural Lesions Chapter 9 Degistive System Diseases 9.1 Esophagitis 9.2 Gastritis 9.3 Peptic Ulcer Disease 9.4 Appendicitis 9.5 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 9.6 Viral Hepatitis 9.7 Alcoholic Liver Disease 9.8 Liver Cirrhosis 9.9 Metabolic Liver Disease and Circulatory Disorders 9.10 Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis 9.11 Pancreatitis 9.12 Common Tumors in the Digestive System Chapter 10 The Diseases of Hematopoietic and Lymphoid Systems 10.1 Structure and Function of the Hematopoietic System and Lymphoid Systems 10.2 Infection and Reactive Proliferation 10.3 Lymphoid Neoplasms 10.4 Hodgkin Lymphoma 10.5 Myeloid Neoplasms 10.6 Histocytic Neoplasms Chapter 11 Diseases of the Immune System 11.1 Autoimmune Diseases 11.2 Rejection of Transplants 11.3 Immune Deficiency Diseases Chapter 12 Diseases of the Urinary System 12.1 Glomerular Disease 12.2 Tubulointerstitial Nephritis 12.3 Common Tumors of Kidney and Bladder Chapter 13 Female Genital System and Breast 13. l Cervix Disease 13.2 Body of Uterus 13.3 Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases 13.4 Tumors of the Ovary 13.5 Prostatic Diseases 13.6 Tumors of Testicles and Penis 13.7 Breast Disease Chapter 14 Endocrine System Diseases 14.1 Pituitary Gland 14.2 Thyroid Gland 14.3 Adrenal Gland 14.4 Endocrine Pancreas 14.5 Neuroendocrine Tumors of Diffuse Neuroendocrine System (DNES NET) Chapter 15 Diseases of Nervous System 15.1 The Principal Pathologic Changes of the Nervous System Diseases 15.2 Common Complications of the Cenfra--1 Nervous Diseases 15.3 Infections of the Central Nervous System(CNS) 15.4 Neurodegenerative Diseases 15.5 Anoxia and Cerebrovascular Disease 15.6 Demyelinating Diseases 15.7 Tumors of the N