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定 價:¥158.00

作 者: (澳)畢勝利
出版社: 外文出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787119126807 出版時間: 2021-05-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 501 字數(shù):  


  Lunyu is the most influential Confucian work ever written in China. It mainly records the words and actions of the ancient Chinese philosopher Kongzi (Confucius). The book explains Kongzi's political leadership ideas, providing the key to understanding traditional Chinese culture and business structures, and provides a useful framework for analyzing contemporary government operation and business management.This all new translation applies modern management theories to explain Kongzi's philosophy. It carefully translates the original work with up to date language and expressions to reflect how Kongzi's ideas would have appeared to people of his day Each passage in the book is followed by the original text in Chinese and the author's explanation. The author has made the translation process as transparent as possible, so that each reader can verify its accuracy, enabling further analysis and contemplation of Kongzi's ideas.


  Victor Petersen started learning Chinese and Japanese in the 1980s and studied economics, visual arts and was an MBA at university. He has worked in marketing and management in China and other countries for various international organizations.Victor is interested in analyzing and explaining Chinese culture and language. His books to learn Chinese include Ease into Chinese and the Dada Chinese series. His games include the Chinese character game series Fan Dui Dui, the language games ABC M/x Match and Unravel Words, and the fun game Frog Prince. This is the seventh of his published translations which include The Development of Chinese Martial Arts Fiction, published by Cambridge University Press.Victor lives in Sydney, Australia with his wife and two children.




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