Section 1 Pandect for Medical Parasitology Chapter 1 Introduction to Medical Parasitology 1.1 The Definition of Medical Parasitology 1.2 The Prevalence and Impairments of Parasitoses 1.3 The Subject Aims and Learning Methods for Medical Parasitology Chapter 2 Biology of Parasites 2.1 Symbiosis and Parasitism 2.2 Categories of Parasites and Hosts 2.3 Life Cycle of Parasites 2.4 Classification and Designation of Parasites Chapter 3 Host-parasite Relationship 3.1 The Effects of The Parasites on Hosts 3.2 Host's Responses to The Parasites 3.3 The Result of Host-parasite Interaction Chapter 4 The Immunology of Parasitic Infection 4.1 Parasite's Antigen and Immune Response 4.2 Immune Pathology Induced by Parasitic Infection Chapter 5 The Characteristics of Parasitic Infection 5.1 The Features of Parasitic Infection 5.2 The Clinic Symptoms of Parasitosis Chapter 6 Prevention and Control of Parasitosis 6.1 Epidemic Links of Parasitosis 6.2 Epidemic Factors of Parasitosis 6.3 Control Principles for Parasitosis Section 2 Medical Protozoology Chapter 7 Introduction to Medical Protozoa 7.1 General Features of Protozoa 7.2 Classification of Protozoa Chapter 8 Lobosea (Amoeba) 8.1 Summary and Classification of Lobosea (Amoeba) 8.2 Entamoeba Histolytica 8.3 Nonpathogenic Amoeba 8.4 Free-living (opportunistic) Amoeba Chapter 9 Flagellates 9.1 Summary and Classification of Flagellates 9.2 Intestinal and Genital Flagellates 9.3 Other Intestinal Flagellates of Minor Importance 9.4 Hemoflagellates Chapter 10 Sporozoa 10.1 Summary and Classification of Sporozoa 10.2 Malarial Parasites 10.3 Toxoplasma Gondii 10.4 Cryptosporidium Parvum 10.5 The Other Sporozoa Chapter 11 Ciliates 11.1 Morphology 11.2 Life Cycle 11.3 Epidemiology 11.4 Pathogenesis 11.5 Treatment and Control Section 3 Medical Helminthology Chapter 12 Summary and Classification of Helminths Chapter 13 Trematodes 13.1 Summary and Classification of Trematodes 13.2 Blood Flukes 13.3 Liver Flukes 13.4 Lung Fluke 13.5 Intestinal Fluke Chapter 14 Cestodes 14.1 Summary and Classification of Cestodes 14.2 Pseudophyllidean Cestodes 14.3 Cyclophyllidean Cestodes Chapter 15 Nematodes 15.1 Summary and Classification of Nematodes 15.2 Intestinal Nematodes 15.3 Somatic Nematodes 15.4 Nematodes of Lower Animals That Rarely Infect Human Section 4 Medical Entomology Chapter 16 Introduction to Medical Arthropods 16.1 The Characteristics of Medical Arthropods 16.2 Classification of Medical Arthropods 16.3 Harmful Effects of Medically Important Arthropods to Humans 16.4 Arthropods Prevention and Control Chapter 17 Class Insecta 17.1 Introduction to Medical Insects 17.2 Mosquito 17.3 Phlebotomus Sandfly 17.4 Biting Midge 17.5 Black Fly 17.6 Tabanid Fly 17.7 Fly 17.8 Flea 17.9 Louse 17.10 Cimex Species 17.11 Blattaria Species Chapter 18 Class Arachnida 18.1 Introduction to Arachnida 18.2 Tick 18.3 Gamasid Mite 18.4 Chigger Mite 18.5 Sarcoptes Scabiei and Demodicid Mite Section 5 Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitic Diseases Chapter 19 Introduction to Laboratory Diagnosis Chapter 20 Pathogenic Diagnosis 20.1 Examination of Feces 20.2 Examination of Blood 20.3 Examination of Urogenital Specimen, Sputum, Cerebrospinal Fluid and Duodenal Drainage Material 20.4 Examination of Aspirates from Lymph Node, Spleen, Liver and Bone Marrow 20.5 Biopsy 20.6 Culture Methods in Diagnosis Chapter 21 Immune Diagnosis 21.1 IHA 21.2 DFA 21.3 IFAT 21.4 ELISA 21.5 IB 21.6 Intradermal Skin Tests Chapter 22 Molecular Diagnosis 22.1 DNA Probe 22.2 PCR Chapter 23 Xenodiagnostic Techniques 23.1 Introduction 23.2 Application of Xenodiagnosis Technique Chapter 24 Animal Inoculation Method 24.1 Introduction 24.2 Application of Animal Inoculation Method Chapter 25 Imaging Techniques 25.1 Protozoa] Diseases 25.2 Trematodes Diseases 25.3 Cestodes Diseases 25.4 Nematodes Diseases References