吉田三一郎,Sanichiro Yoshida received his undergraduate and graduate educations in the field of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics from Keio University, Japan. During this period, he had the opportunity to work as a student researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder. Under the supervision of Dr. Author V. Phelps,he conducted research in gaseous electronics. From this experience,he learned basics of scientific research. After receiving a PhD in 1986 from Keio University, he has conducted experimental and theoretical research on various topics, including developments and applications of lasers, optical interferometry, optical and acoustical characterization of material strength, and deformation and fracture of solids. His recent research interest is focused on development of a wave theory of deformation and fracture of solids. Currently, he is a Professor of Physics at Southeastern Louisiana University where he enjoys research with students. When not doing science, he will be found on the Judo mats or tennis courts on campus.
Preface Author biography 1 Introduction 1.1 Oscillation and wave 1.2 Oscillation due to elastic force 1.2.1 Elastic force 1.2.2 Equation of motion 1.2.3 Oscillation as a solution to equation of motion 1.3 Frequency domain analysis of oscillation 1.3.1 Fourier transform 1.4 Wave 1.4.1 Oscillation to wave References 2 Wave equations and solutions 2.1 Wave equation 2.1.1 Transverse waves 211.2 Longitudinal waves 2.1.3 Plane wave equation 2.1.4 Decaying wave 2.1.5 Some discussion on phase velocity 2.2 Wave solutions 2.2.1 Plane wave solutions 2.2.2 Paraxial wave 2.2.3 Amplitude and phase of waves 2.2.4 Superposition of waves and Fourier transform References 3 Basic properties of waves 3.1 Reflection and refraction 3.1.1 Angles of reflection and refraction 3.1.2 Coefficient of reflection and transmission 3.2 Dispersion 3.2.1 String on an elastic medium 3.2.2 Decaying wave 3.2.3 Light in matter 3.2.4 Transverse wave in beam 3.2.5 Beads on a string 3.3 Interference 3.3.1 Optical interferometry 3.3.2 Acoustic interferometry 3.4 Diffraction 3.5 Doppler effect References 4 Wave propagation 4.1 Group velocity 4.2 Resonator 4.3 Modulation 4.3.1 Amplitude modulation 4.3.2 Phase modulation 4.3.3 Frequency modulation References 編輯手記