《我的第一本中文故事書》是一套中英文雙語圖畫故事書,主要是為海外4-12歲的孩子學(xué)中文而編寫的教學(xué)輔助讀物。我們在原有基礎(chǔ)上,又加入了一個(gè)全新的系列人物——可愛的女孩兒小美。我們將講述她在自家后花園里與動(dòng)物、花草發(fā)生的有趣故事,一起感受她的寬容、善良和愛心。 My First Chinese Storybooks is a series of Chinese and English bilingual picture books that have been primarily designed as educational readers for English speakers of different age groups who are learning Chinese. These are the stroies of Xiaomei, a cute little girl who is the main character introdued in this series. We will learn all about Xiaomei's inclusiveness, kindness and love as we read the interesting stories happening in her garden with all the animals,flowers and plants.