定 價:¥49.80
作 者: | 唐曌曦,康志偉 |
出版社: | 中國海洋大學出版社 |
叢編項: | |
標 簽: | 暫缺 |
ISBN: | 9787567009516 | 出版時間: | 2015-09-01 | 包裝: | 平裝-膠訂 |
開本: | 大16開 | 頁數(shù): | 字數(shù): |
Chapter1 Phonetics
Chapter2 Listening and Speaking
Unit1 Greeting and Introduction
Unit2 Health and Sports
Unit3 Hobby and Study,
Unit4 Public Transportation ....
Unit5 Emotion and Communication
Unit6 Interview and Career
Unit7 Entertainment and Shopping
Unit8 Environment and Climate
Unit9 Food and Reservation
Unit10 Peak Practice
Chapter3 Reading Comprehension
Chapter4 Writing
Unit1 Practical Writing
Unit2 Academic Writing
Chapter5 Translation
Chapter6 Word Building
Chapter7 Nouns
Chapter8 Articles
Chapter9 Pronouns
Chapter10 Numerals
ChapterI1 Conjunctions
Chapter12 Prepositions
Chapter13 Adjectives and Adverbs
Chapter14 Verbs
Unit1 Tenses of Verbs
Unit2 Means of Expressing Future Time
Unit3 Passive Voice
Chapter15 Modal Verbs
Chapter16 Classification and Structure of Sentences
Unit1 Sentence Element
Unit2 Sentence Classification
Unit3 Useful Patterns of Simple Sentence
Chapter17 Clauses
Unit1 Noun Clauses
Unit2 Attributive Clauses
Unit3 Adverbial Clauses
Chapter18 Non-Finite Verbs
Unit1 Infinitives
Unit2 Gerund
Unit3 Present Partieiple
Unit4 Past Preiplee
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Agrenent of sbjecte and Verb
Chapter20 Subjunetive Mood
Chapter21 Inversion
Chapter22 Emphatie Sentences
Chapter23 Absolute Phrases