前言 Preface 第1章 儀器分析實驗基本知識 Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Instrumental Analysis Experiments 1.1 儀器分析實驗要求 1.1 Requirements for Instrumental Analysis 1.2 儀器分析實驗安全知識 1.2 Safety Knowledge of Instrumental Analysis 1.3 儀器分析實驗數(shù)據(jù)記錄與處理 1.3 Record and Treatment of Instrumental Analysis Experimental Data 1.4 儀器分析實驗室用水 1.4 Water Used in Analytical Laboratories 1.5 儀器分析樣品前處理技術 1.5 Pretreatment Techniques for Instrumental Analysis of Samples 第2章 驗證性儀器分析實驗 Chapter 2 Confirmatory Instrumental Analysis Experiments 2.1 氟離子選擇電極測定飲用水中的氟 2.1 Determination of Fluoride Ions in Drinking Water by Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode 2.2 醋酸電位滴定 2.2 Potentiometric Titration of Acetic Acid 2.3 鄰二氮菲分光光度法測定水中微量鐵 2.3 Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Iron in Water by 1.0 Phen.anthroline 2.4 喹啉的熒光特性和含量測定 2.4 Fluorescence Properties and Content Determination of Quinoline 2.5 阿司匹林紅外吸收光譜的測定 2.5 Determination of Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Aspirin 2.6 原子吸收法測定感冒沖劑中的銅 2.6 Determination of Copper in Cold Granules by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry 2.7 核磁共振氫譜法確定有機化合物的分子結構 2.7 Identification of the Molecular Structure of Organic Compounds by H-NMR Spectroscopy 2.8 薄層色譜法鑒別復方磺胺甲嗯唑片 2.8 Identification of Compound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets by Thin Layer Chromatography 2.9 紙色譜法分離氨基酸 2.9 Separation of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography 2.10 氣相色譜儀性能考察 2.10 Performance Examination of the Gas Chromatograph System 2.11 高效液相色譜儀基本操作與系統(tǒng)適應性 2.11 Basic Operation and System Adaptability of High.performance Liquid Chromatography 2.12 高效液相色譜法定性分析 2.12 Qualitative Analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography 2.13 毛細管區(qū)帶電泳分離手性藥物的對映異構體 2.13 Separation of Enantiomers of Chiral Drugs by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis 第3章 綜合性儀器分析實驗 Chapter 3 Comprehensive Instrumental Analysis Experiments 3.1 循環(huán)伏安法檢測對乙酰氨基酚 3.1 Detection of Acetaminophen by Cyclic Voltammetry Method 3.2 雙波長等吸收點法測定速潔舒洗劑中醋酸氯己定的含量 3.2 Content Determination of Chorhexidine Acetate in SuJie Shu Detergent by Dual.wavelength Isoabsorption Point Method 3.3 注射液中苯甲酸鈉和咖啡因的含量測定 3.3 Content Determination of Sodium Benzoate and Caffeine in Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Injection