01 What Smart-Home Gadgets Mean for the Future of Privacy 智能家居產(chǎn)品對個人隱私的潛在影響 02 How Smart Is a Dog Really?The Secrets of a Canine Mind 狗究竟有多聰明?犬科動物大腦科學揭秘 03 The New Family Business 新家庭經(jīng)濟學 04 Dubai Decrees Itself the A.I. City—State of the Future 迪拜宣布打造智能城市——未來之城 05 Startups Are Laser-Focused on Helping Self-Driving Cars See 初創(chuàng)企業(yè)聚焦激光技術,助力無人駕駛汽車提升性能 06 You're Addicted to Your Smartphone.This Company Thinks It Can Change That(PartⅠ) 手機控們,這家公司可以拯救你(上) 07 You're Addicted to Your Smartphone.This Company Thinks It Can Change That(PartⅡ) 手機控們,這家公司可以拯救你(下) 08 A Safer Smarter Grid 安全智能電網(wǎng) 09 Internet for All 全民上網(wǎng) 10 Self-Driving Trucks May Be the Next Big Thing on the Road 無人駕駛汽車——未來公路上的亮麗風景 11 Huge Cosmic Explosions May Be More Common than Thought 宇宙大 可能比我們想象中 常見 12 In the Balance: First Change to Kilogram in a Century 保持平衡:千克的世紀革命 13 Stephen Hawking Predicted: Superhumans Could Destroy Us 斯蒂芬·霍金預言:超人類可能毀滅人類 14 Largest Birds in History May Have Been Almost Blind 兩眼一抹黑的世界 鳥 15 Happy Childhood Memories May Boost Health in Adulthood 幸福的童年記憶讓人終身健康 16 A Grand, Nutty and Visually Splendid Kong: Skull Island 一場宏偉的、瘋狂的視覺盛宴《金剛:骷髏島》 17 Kumail Nanjiani's The Big Sick Reboots the Rom-Com 庫梅爾·南賈尼主演的電影《大病》重啟了浪漫喜劇 18 In a Quantum Leap, Star Trek Becomes a Female Enterprise 歷經(jīng)飛躍《星際迷航》變成了一個女性項目 19 Philip Pullman Isn't Done Building New Worlds ·普爾曼尚未完成新世界的創(chuàng)造 20 Taika Waititi Takes Marvel for an Indie Spin 塔伊加·維迪提開始拍漫威電影 21 Kenneth Branagh Revives the World's Greatest Detective 肯尼斯·布拉納復活了世界上 的偵探 22 The Brothers Franco, Reunited for the First Time 弗蘭科兄弟 次聯(lián)袂演出 23 A Retro Heroine for Modem Times 具有現(xiàn)代意義的復古女主人公 24 How Rap Ascended (Again) to Become the Sound of the Mainstream (Part Ⅰ) 說唱如何(再次)上升為主流的聲音(上) 25 How Rap Ascended (Again) to Become the Sound of the Mainstream (Part Ⅱ) 說唱如何(再次)上升為主流的聲音(下) 26 Science Fiction Knows the Future is Female 科幻片知道未來屬于女性 27 The lce Queen's New Kingdom (Part Ⅰ) Disney Hopes Frozen Will Continue to BreakRecords—This Time on Broadway 冰雪女王的新王國(上)迪斯尼希望《冰雪奇緣》能繼續(xù)打破紀錄——這一次是在百老匯 28 The lce Queen's New Kingdom (Part Ⅱ) Disney Hopes Frozen Will Continue toBreak Records—This Time on Broadway 冰雪女王的新王國(下)迪斯尼希望《冰雪奇緣》能繼續(xù)打破紀錄——這一次是在百老匯 29 A New Reality Reveals Something Classic 一個新的現(xiàn)實揭示了一些經(jīng)典 30 A Detective Intoxicated by the Scent of a Killer 一個陶醉于殺手氣味的特工 31 Pop Finds a New Spirit: Sisterhood 流行樂壇出現(xiàn)了一種新精神:姐妹情深 32 Tennis Champion Venus Wiliams Sees a Fulfiling Life Beyond the Court 網(wǎng)球 維納斯·威廉姆斯賽場外的充實生活 33 How lceland Grew into a Soccer Force (Part Ⅰ) 冰島這支足壇勁旅是如何煉成的(上) 34 How Iceland Grew into a Soccer Force (Part Ⅱ) 冰島這支足壇勁旅是如何煉成的(下) 35 Baseball's Long Game 棒球運動——一項長時間的運動項目 36 U.S. Open Champion Sloane Stephens Is Set to Defend Her Title in New York—and Defy Her Critics 美國公開賽 斯隆·斯蒂芬斯將在紐約捍衛(wèi)自己的 寶座,并以此來回應其批評者 37 The Longest Run (Part Ⅰ) 長的奔跑(上) 38The Longest Run (Part Ⅱ) 長的奔跑(下) 39 How They Find Their A-Game 他們是怎么找到自己的運動 的 40 The New Science of Exercise (Part Ⅰ) 新的鍛煉科學(上) 41 The New Science of Exercise (Part Ⅱ) 新的運動科學(下) 42 Virtual World, Varsity Sport 虛擬世界與大學體育 43 Halfway to History Finally at Ease, Serena Wiliams Could Win the First Grand Slamin over 25 Years 小威廉姆斯將以輕松的姿態(tài)去贏取25年來的 個全滿貫 44 Roger Fe