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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)自然科學(xué)生物科學(xué)植物酚類研究(英文版)



定 價(jià):¥98.00

作 者: 朱磊
出版社: 中國紡織出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787522908021 出版時(shí)間: 2023-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  




  現(xiàn)就職于黑龍江八一農(nóng)墾大學(xué)食品學(xué)院食品科學(xué)與工程系,博士,講師。研究方向:(1)葡萄生理和葡萄酒化學(xué);(2)葡萄分子生物學(xué);(3)天然產(chǎn)物分離提取和功能活性。先后承擔(dān) 自然基金、黑龍江省自然基金等項(xiàng)目5項(xiàng),參與 和省級(jí)項(xiàng)目3項(xiàng),發(fā)表學(xué)術(shù)論文20余篇,其中SCI收錄論文7篇,以 作者或通訊作者發(fā)表論文15篇。


目 錄
Chapte 1 Study on Polyphenoals in Jindai - soy
ean ( Glycine max. L. Me.‘Jindai’) 1
1.1 Soy
ean 1
1.2 Edamame 3
1.3 Polyphenols 3
1.4 Flavonoids 4
1.5 Biological Activities of the Flavonoids 4
1.6 Aim of the Pesent Study 6
Refeences 6
Chapte 2 Isolation and Chaacteization of the Polyphenols of Jindai Soy
ean Leaves 10
2.1 Intoduction 10
2.2 Mateial and Methods 10
2.3 Results and Discussion 11
2.4 Conclusion 26
Refeences 26
Chapte 3 Peventive Effects of Dietay Polyphenolics of Jindai-soy
ean Leaves on KK-Ay Mice 27
3.1 Intoduction 27
3.2 Mateials and Methods 27
3.3 Results 30
3.4 Discussion 35
3.5 Summay 39
Refeences 40
Chapte 4 The Anti-o
esity and Anti-dia
etic Effects of Kaempfeol Glycosides fom Unipe Soy
ean Leaves in High-fat-diet Mice 42
4.1 Intoduction 42
4.2 Mateials and Methods 43
4.3 Results 47
4.4 Discussion 51
4.5 Conclusion 54
Refeences 54
Chapte 5 Anti -o
ese and Anti -dia
etic Effects of a Mixtue of Daidzin and Glycitin in C57BL/ 6J Mice Fed with a High Fat Diet 57
5.1 Intoduction 57
5.2 Mateials and Methods 58
5.3 Results 61
5.4 Discussion 65
5.5 Conclusion 68
Refeences 68
Chapte 6 Anti -dia
etic Effects of Luteolin and Luteolin - 7 -O -glucoside on KK-Ay Mice 72
6.1 Intoduction 72
6.2 Mateial and Methods 72
6.3 Results 76
6.4 Discussion 80
Refeences 82
Chapte 7 Anti -o
ese and Anti -dia
etic Effects of Soy Glycitin on High -fat Diet-induced O
ese C57BL/ 6J Mice 85
7.1 Intoduction 85
7.2 Mateials and Methods 86
7.3 Results 90
7.4 Discussion 94
7.5 Conclusion 97
Refeences 98
Chapte 8 Potective Effects of Dietay Kaempfeol Glycoside Components fom Unipe Soy
ean ( Edamame, Glycine max L. Meill. ‘ Jindai ’)
Leaves and Thei Seous Meta
olite on Ca
on Tetachloide-induced Live Injuy Mice 101
8.1 Intoduction 101
8.2 Mateials and Methods 102
8.3 Results and Discussion 105
Refeences 111
Chapte 9 Antioxidant and Hepatopotective Activity of Kaempfeol 3-O-β-d- (2,6-di-O-α-l-hamnopyanosyl)Galactopyonoside Against Ca
Tetachloide-induced Live Injuy in Mice 114
9.1 Intoduction 114
9.2 Mateials and Methods 115
9.3 Results and Discussion 117
Refeences 121
Chapte 10 Hepatopotective Activities of Kaempfeol Glycosides Faction in Dia
etic and O
ese Mice 123
10.1 Intoduction 123
10.2 Mateials and Methods 124
10.3 Results 127
10.4 Discussion 129
Refeences 131
Chapte 11 Glycitein Induces ROS-dependent Apoptosis and G0 / G1 Cell Cycle Aest Though the MAPK / STAT3 / NF - κB Pathway in Human
Gastic Cance Cells 135
11.1 Intoduction 135
11.2 Mateials and Methods 136
11.3 Results 139
11.4 Discussion 149
11.5 Conclusion 152
Refeences 152
Chapte 12 Molecula Mechanisms of Quinalizain Induces Apoptosis and G0 /G1 Cell Cycle of Human Esophageal Cance HCE-4 Cells Depends on MAPK, STAT3 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways 155
12.1 Intoduction 155
12.2 Mateials and Methods 156
12.3 Results 158
12.4 Discussion 168
12.5 Conclusions 169
Refeences 170
Chapte 13 Daidzein Induces A549 Human Lung Cance Cell Apoptosis and G0 /G1 Cell Cycle Aest
y Activating ROS-mediated MAPK, STAT3 and NF-κB Signaling Pathways 174
13.1 Intoduction 174
13.2 Mateials and Methods 175
13.3 Results 178
13.4 Discussion 190
13.5 Conclusions 191
Refeences 192
Chapte 14 Quinalizain Induces ROS - mediated Apoptosis Via the MAPK,STAT3, and NF-κB Signaling Pathways in Human Beast Cance
Cells 196
14.1 Intoduction 196
14.2 Expeimental Section 197
14.3 Results 200
14.4 Discussion 210
Refeences 213
Chapte 15 Phenolic Contents and Compositions in Skins of Red Wine Gape Cultivas among Vaious Genetic Backgounds and Oiginations
15.1 Intoduction 217
15.2 Mateials and Methods 219
15.3 Results and Discussion 221
15.4 Conclusions 239
Refeences 240
Chapte 16 The Gowing Season Impacts the Accumulation and Composition of Flavonoids in Gape Skins in Two-cop-a-yea Viticultue242

16.1 Intoduction 242
16.2 Mateials and Methods 243
16.3 Results 246
16.4 Discussion and Conclusions 258
Refeences 262
Chapte 17 Effects of Exogenous A
scisic Acid on Phenolic Chaacteistics of Red Vitis Vinifea Gapes and Wines 265
17.1 Intoduction 265
17.2 Mateials and Methods 266
17.3 Results and Discussion 268
Refeences 295


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