目錄 [烏克蘭] 阿琳娜 生命的邂逅——寫給女兒美馨卡的一封信 Encounters in Life—A Letter to Meixinka, My Daughter 002 [馬來西亞] 傅芷瑩 抬眼望星辰,踏實足下土 Look up at the Sky and Stand on Solid Ground 010 [孟加拉國] 周凱比 風(fēng)吹金柳,荷香滿塘 The Wind Blows the Willows, and the Lotus Fragrance Fills the Pond 018 [馬來西亞] 顏嘉宏 走進中醫(yī)文化 My Encounter with Marvelous TCM 026 [泰國] 陳佩瑜 十年一念 A Thought for 10 Years 032 [土庫曼斯坦] 艾潔 舞在中國——我的尋美之路 Dancing in China — My Road to Beauty 040 [哥倫比亞] 吉詠華 情定中國 Love in China 050 [馬來西亞] 劉芷君 百年歸故里 Return to Hometown after a Hundred Years 056 [日本] 田中月 神游汴京,夢回大宋 Wandering Around Bianjing, Dreaming back to Song Dynasty 064 [緬甸] 趙太宇 山河無恙 筑夢華夏 May Mountains and Rivers Be in Good Condition and Pursue My Dreams in China 074 [老撾] 喬小潘 給中國朋友的一封信 A Letter to Chinese Friends 082 [印度尼西亞] 李美珊 媽媽在遠處眺望著我們 Mom Looking at Us from a Distance 088 [柬埔寨] 陳漢偉 踏遍山河萬里,為尋中國煙火 Traveling Thousands of Miles cross Mountains and Rivers in Search of Chinese Charm 094 [巴基斯坦] 謝麗 夢想的故事 A Story about Dream 102 [老撾] 譜塔納 長江水岸邊的相思 Love on the Banks of the Yangtze River 108 [巴基斯坦] 李克軍 修煉一顆中國心 Cultivate a Chinese Heart 116 [越南] 楊芳草 “一帶一路”新畫卷:走進越南 A New Picture of Belt and Road: Entering Vietnam 122 [巴基斯坦] 萊巴 想把您唱給世界聽 I Want to Sing Your Stories to the World 128 [亞美尼亞] 埃里克 詩詞里的中國 China in Poetry 136 [韓國] 金俊燁 綠水青山 Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains 142 [英國] 海棠 越靠近你,就越被你吸引 The Closer I Am to You, the More Attracted I Am by You 148 [緬甸] 南襄幻 我從中緬邊境來到“浙” From China-Myanmar Border to Zhejiang 156 [柬埔寨] 江碧芯 邂逅中國,開啟美好之旅 Encounter China and Embark a Beautiful Journey 164 [越南] 林淑慶 中國,許我奔向你! China, Let me Run to You! 172 [孟加拉國] 博尚多 云頂上的茶鄉(xiāng) A Tea Country on top of the Clouds 180 [老撾] 安友迪 逍遙游 A Carefree Tour 186 [老撾] 王錢有 我與“一帶一路”的故事 My Story with Belt and Road Initiative 194 [緬甸] 丁南蘇 我在中國的“躍”生活 My Life of ‘Leap Forward’ in China 202 [韓國] 申有縝 我的二十四節(jié)氣 My Twenty-Four Solar Terms 208 [越南] 劉氏玄 情相近,心相通——賡續(xù)越中友好之緣 Closeness of Affection with Common Hearts to Continue Friendship between Vietnam and China 214 [伊朗] 爾凡 邂逅寧夏,愛上中國 Meet Ningxia and Fall in Love with China 220 [巴基斯坦] 卡茲慕 新絲路的另一端 The Other End of the New Silk Road 228 [緬甸]江映月 我與中國壯鄉(xiāng)的美麗邂逅 My Beautiful Encounter with the Towns of Zhuang People of China 234 [越南] 陶藍希 與中國有個約 A Promise with China 242 [越南] 陳英書 醉美黃山行 Intoxicated in Huangshan Mountain 250 [坦桑尼亞] 馬仁皓 遇見 Encounter 258 [塞內(nèi)加爾] 伊瑪 命中注定的中國之旅 A Fated Journey to China 264 [日本] 中山翔太 科技為毫,躍動于文化畫卷 Science and Technology as Paintbrush Leaping on the Cultural Scroll 270 [美國] 安琪 尋味花山 Taste the Flower Mountain 276 [馬來西亞] 劉騏毓 邂逅中國,從北京開始 Encounter China from Beijing 282 [土庫曼斯坦] 阿斯蘭 我和中國的故事 The Story between Me and China 288 [俄羅斯] 歐韻娜 愛要用心去感受 Love Has to be Felt with Heart 296 [尼日利亞] 林敏君 在與中國邂逅中的感悟和思考 Reflections in my Encounter with China 302 [越南] 阮氏美幸 心有千千“節(jié)”,他鄉(xiāng)亦故鄉(xiāng) With Thousands of Knots in H