
North Carolina Primary Night(3)

奧巴馬演講錄(英文版) 作者:(美)奧巴馬

ost her job, and her pension, and her insurance when the plant where she worked at her entire life closed down she can t afford four more years of tax breaks for corporations like the one that shipped her job overseas. She needs us to give tax breaks to companies that create good jobs here in America. She can t afford four more years of tax breaks for CEOs like the one who walked away from her company with a multi?million dollar bonus. She needs middle?class tax relief that will help her pay the skyrocketing price of groceries, and gas, and college tuition. That s why I m running for President.

The college student I met in Iowa who works the night shift after a full day of class and still can t pay the medical bills for a sister who s ill she can t afford four more years of a health care plan that only takes care of the healthy and the wealthy; that allows insurance companies to discriminate and deny coverage to those Americans who need it most. She needs us to stand up to those insurance companies and pass a plan that lowers every family s premiums and gives every uninsured American the same kind of coverage that Members of Congress give themselves. That s why I m running for President.

The mother in Wisconsin who gave me a bracelet inscribed with the name of the son she lost in Iraq; the families who pray for their loved ones to come home; the heroes on their third and fourth and fifth tour of duty they can t afford four more years of a war that should ve never been authori


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