McCain has offered this country a lifetime of service, and we respect that, but what he s not offering is any meaningful change from the policies of George W. Bush.
John McCain believes that George Bush s Iraq policy is a success, so he s offering four more years of a war with no exit strategy; a war that s sending our troops on their third tour, and fourth tour, and fifth tour of duty; a war that s costing us billions of dollars a month and hasn t made us any safer.
John McCain said that George Bush s economic policies have led to great progress over the last seven years, and so he s promising four more years of tax cuts for CEOs and corporations who didn t need them and weren t asking for them; tax cuts that he once voted against because he said they offended his conscience.
Well they may have stopped offending John McCain s conscience somewhere along the road to the White House, but George Bush s economic policies still offend ours. Because I don t think that the 232,000 Americans who ve lost their jobs this year are seeing the great progress that John McCain has seen. I don t think the millions of Americans losing their homes have seen that progress. I don t think the families without health care and the workers without pensions have seen that progress. And if we continue down the same reckless path, I don t think that future generations who ll be saddled with debt will see these as years of progress.
We already know that John McCain offers more of the same. The quest