2. 我們想選一個大一點的電視.We would like a slightly lar- ger TV.
3.要哪個牌子的電視?You would like what brand of TV?
4.我們要選一個大一點的冰箱.We will choose the slightly bigger fridge.
5.我可以給你們介紹幾款不錯的洗衣機.I can show you some pretty good washing machines.
6.有適合一個人用的洗衣機嗎?Do you have a washing mach- ine suitable for one person?
7.我要全自動的洗衣機.I want a fully automatic washing machine.
8.請問,送貨嗎?May I ask, do you deliver?
9.今天能送到我家嗎?Can you deliver to my house today?
10.保修時間是多長?Is the guarantee period long?
11.這個太大了,我的廚房很小.This is too big, my kitchen is small.
12.請收好保修卡.Look after your warranty card.
13.保修幾年?How many years is the warranty?
14.現(xiàn)在買洗衣機贈送洗衣粉.Right now we are giving away washing powder with this washing machine.
15.這是最受歡迎的一款電視.This is the most popular tele- vision.
4 Dining\ 吃飯用語
1. 今天晚上我要去飯店吃飯.Tonight I‘m going to a rest-aurant to eat.
2. 我餓死了,去飯店吃吧.I’m starving, lets go and eat in the restaurant.
3.太熱了,想去飯館吃.It‘s too hot, let’s go to a restaurant to eat.
4.我們應該去飯店慶祝一下.Let‘s go to a restaurant to celebrate.
5.新開了一家四川飯店,我們去嘗嘗吧.A new Sichuan restaurant has opened, let’s go and try it.
6. 周末我們去吃日本料理,我請客.This weekend we are going to eat Japanese food, It‘s on me.
7. 家里沒有食物了,去外邊吃吧.There Isn’t any food at home, let‘s go out to eat.
8.我不會做飯,去飯店吃吧.I can’t cook so let‘s go to a restaurant to eat.
9.下班后我們直接去飯店.We will go straight to a rest- aurant after work.
10.那家的烤鴨很正宗.That restaurant has very authentic Beijing duck.
11.我想吃烤鴨了.I want to eat Beijing duck.
12.我發(fā)現(xiàn)一家很特別的飯店,我?guī)闳?I’ve found an exceptional restaurant, I‘ll take you there.
13.去哪吃飯?。縒here shall we go to eat?
14.我不知道吃什么,你推薦一個飯店吧.I don’t know what to eat, you recommend a restaurant.