

臨時應急會話寶典 作者:(愛爾蘭)艾詩琳

1. 我們坐公交車去吧.We can go by bus.

2. 你知道到中山公園坐幾路嗎?Do you know which bus route I can take to Zhongshan Park?

3.坐1路吧.Take Bus No.1.

4.可能我們要倒車.We might have to change busses.

5.在哪倒車?Where do we change?

6. 去天安門可以坐公交車嗎?Can I take a bus to Tiananm- en?

7. 不太遠,坐兩站就到了.It‘s not far, just 2 stops and you are there.

8.這附近有公交車站嗎?Is there a bus stop nearby?

9.需要零錢嗎?Do you need change?

10.車上有空調嗎?Does the bus have air conditioning?

11.公交車上人多不多?Are there many people on the bus?

12.請問,8路是在這等嗎?Excuse me, do I wait here for bus No.8?

13.1路車來了,我們上車吧.Bus No.1 has arrived, let’s get on.

14.多長時間來一趟公交車?How often do the buses come?

15.我已經等了20分鐘了,公交車怎么還不來?I‘ve already waited 20 min- utes, why hasn’t the bus come?

1. 你好,請買票.Hello, Please buy a ticket.

2. 你到哪?Where are you going?

3.我去天安門,在哪下車?I‘m going to Tiananmen, where should I get off?

4.到故宮2塊.To the Forbidden City is 2 ku- ai.

5.去動物園在哪倒車?To get to the Zoo, where sho- uld I change busses?

6. 下一站可以換乘1路,是嗎?Can I change to bus No.1 from the next stop?

7. 天安門到了,請下車.We have arrived at Tiananm- en, please get off the bus.

8.人太多了,沒有座位.It’s so busy, there is no whe-re to sit.

9.請各位乘客準備好下車!All passengers please prepare to get off the train.

10.前方到站是頤和園,請下車的乘客做好準備.The nest stop is Yiheyuan, passengers for the next stop please prepare.

11.你刷卡還是買票?Do you want to swipe your card, or buy a ticket?

12.黃色座位是給老人孩子準備的.The yellow seats are for old people and children.

13.這不是4路嗎?Isn‘t this bus No.4?

14.您坐錯車了.I’ve taken the wrong bus.

15.終點站到了,請下車.This is the final stop, please get off the bus.

1. 下個星期我去上海,什么時候可以買火車票?Next week I am going to Shanghai, when can I buy tickets?


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