程序清單8-7 CObjGem類的Position屬性與Size屬性重寫
/// <summary>
/// Override the XPos property to calculate our actual position on demand
/// </summary>
public override float XPos
// Determine the position for the gem from its position within the
// board
return _game.BoardLeft + (_boardXPos * Width);
/// <summary>
/// Override the YPos property to calculate our actual position on demand
/// </summary>
public override float YPos
// Determine the position for the gem from its position within the
// board
return _game.BoardLeft + (_boardXPos * Width);
/// <summary>
/// Return the Width by querying the gem width from the game engine.
/// This means that if the gem width changes (e.g., the screen orientation
/// is changed resulting in new graphics being loaded), we always return
/// the correct value.
/// </summary>
public override int Width
return _game.GemWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Return the Width by querying the gem width from the game engine.
/// </summary>
public override int Height
return _game.GemHeight;