★ 論“跟陌生人說(shuō)話(huà)”
☆On Talking to Strangers
“Listen up, if someone is being nice to you, and you don’t know them, run away. No one is nice to you just to be nice to you, and if they are, well, they can go take their pleasant ass somewhere else.”
★ 論“餐桌禮儀”
☆On Table Manners
“Jesus Christ, can we have one dinner where you don’t spill something?... No, Joni, he does do it on purpose, because if he doesn’t, that means he’s just mentally handicapped, and none of the tests showed that.”
★ 論“哭泣”
☆On Crying
“I had no problem with you crying. My only concern was with the snot that was coming out of your nose. Where does that go? On your hands, your shirt? That’s no good. Oh, Jesus, don’t start crying.”
★ 論“第一次在朋友家過(guò)夜”
☆On Spending the Night at a Friend’s House for the First Time
“Try not to piss yourself.”
★ 論“被人取笑”
☆On Being Teased
“So he called you a homo. Big deal. There’s nothing wrong with being a homosexual.... No, I’m not saying you’re a homosexual. Jesus Christ. Now I’m starting to see why this kid was giving you shit.”
★ 論“做自己”
☆On Feeling Comfortable in One’s Own Skin
“It’s my house. I’ll wear clothes when I want to wear clothes, and I’ll be naked when I want to be naked. The fact that your friends are coming over shortly is inconsequential to that—aka I don’t give a shit.”