★ 論“不小心吃到狗食”
☆On Accidentally Eating Dog Treats
“Snausages? I’ve been eating dog treats? Why the fuck would you put them on the counter where the rest of the food is? Fuck it, they’re delicious. I will not be shamed by this.”
★ 論“參加高一足球隊選拔賽”
☆On Trying Out for the High School Freshman Football Team
“I ain’t letting you try out, you’re too skinny.... No, I hate to break it to you, but you can’t do whatever you want and you most certainly are not a man.”
★ 論“《歡笑一籮筐》主持人的舉止”
☆On Bob Saget’s Demeanor While Hosting America’s Funniest Home Videos
“Remember that face. That’s the face of a man who hates himself.”
★ 論“怯場”
☆On Being Intimidated
“Nobody is that important. They eat, shit, and screw, just like you. Well, maybe not just like you. You got those stomach problems.”
★ 論“培根的療效”
☆On the Medicinal Effects of Bacon
“You worry too much. Eat some bacon.... What? No, I got no idea if it’ll make you feel better, I just made too much bacon.”