該系列圖書精選自中國古代經(jīng)典小說名著,為方便外國讀者理解,專門請有關專家對原著進行縮寫改編,內容涵蓋原著中有代表性的情節(jié)和故事,通過這些可讀性強的故事傳達出其中蘊含的中國傳統(tǒng)文化精髓,吸引國外讀者的閱讀和探究興趣,出版后特別受到國外讀者喜愛。 《水滸傳》是我國明代長篇小說的一部杰作。它不是作者憑空杜撰的,而是以北宋宣和年間宋江率眾造反起義的歷史事件為素材,并廣泛吸收了宋、元間街談巷議和說書人、雜劇表演依據(jù)的“梁山泊故事”。小說描寫了水泊梁山一百單八將反抗官軍、殺富濟貧的故事。本書是針對外國讀者的改編故事版。 Outlaws of the Marsh, One of the best known and best loved of the ancient Chinese novels which have come down through the ages, written in the fourteenth century, is a fictional account of twelfth-century events in the final years of Hui Zong, a Song Dynasty emperor who reigned from 1101 to 1125. It tells why and how one hundred some-old men and women are forced by the harsh feudal officialdom and banded together on a marsh-girt mountain, became leaders of an outlaw army of thousands and fought brave and resourceful battles against pompous, heartless tyrants.