
第7章 HR鼓勵你:面試中,注重交流(4)

誰說菜鳥不能拿高薪 作者:平觀海




細心的同學可能會發(fā)現(xiàn),在面試中的題目往往都體現(xiàn)著一個主要的考查意圖。比如說,有的題目考查的是創(chuàng)新能力,有的題目考查的是團隊精神, 而有的則考查的是領導能力。這些考查意圖會非常明顯地在題目本身的關鍵詞(key words)當中表現(xiàn)出來。在回答這種問題的時候,為了讓內容詳實、生動,可利用What-S.T.A.R(what:總述;S:situation背景;T:target目標;A:Actions措施;R:results結果)原則來組織答案。






問題一:請描述一個例子, 證明你給自己確立了一個很高的目標, 然后完成了這個目標。(Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it through completion.)

問題分析:在此題中,“很高的目標 完成”(demanding goal saw it through)是關鍵詞,由此可見主要的考查意圖是如何應對挑戰(zhàn)的。所以,在描述的時候要著重描述這個任務,有些什么要求(demanding),有些什么具體的困難,你是怎樣一步一步去克服的。


總述—是什么(what):為天津大學校慶晚會所設計的節(jié)目,獲得了第三名的成績,該比賽共有18支參賽隊伍。(Designed a show to celebrate the anniversary of Tianjin University, and won 3rd Prize out of 18 teams.)

活動背景(situation):在校慶那天,學校組織大型晚會,有唱歌、跳舞、戲劇演出。每個學院都需要出5個節(jié)目。我們班也想參加一個節(jié)目,但是當時臨近期末考試,同學們都忙于備考,所以準備起來壓力很大。(On the anniversary night, there was a huge celebration party, where songs, dances and dramas were played. Each school should design five shows, and our class volunteered to design one. It was a demanding goal as it was very close to the end of the term when most students were busy preparing for final exams.)

目標(target):我當時是一個大二的學生,擔當起了排練我們班節(jié)目的大任,我們設計的節(jié)目是一出話劇。一方面要吸引“百忙”中的同學參與,另一方面我自己也在這個話劇中飾演國王。(As a sophomore student I was in charge of my class performance, which was a drama. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest in acting, and my role as the king in the drama. )

措施(actions):第一,鑒于我們班上只有20個同學,我給他們每個人都分配了一定的任務,比如說飾演角色、制作道具等。第二,考慮到期末復習每個學生都會很忙,我做出了彩排的安排,堅持少次高質量的原則,每次都高效地完成彩排。第三,為了讓彩排更接近最后的表演,我們在彩排的時候就加入了音樂和布景。并且,在這個過程中,我強調出時間的重要性,大家達成共識,相互尊重,實現(xiàn)了很好的配合。(First, as there were only 20 students in my class, I distributed at least one task to each student; either a role, or making tools or costumes. Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short duration of each rehearsal. Third, music and scenery were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstances of the party.

In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners.)

結果(result):最后,我們的表演相當成功。不僅是我的“國王”形象給大家留下了很深刻的印象,這個話劇也獲得了相當高的評價。(In the end, our performance was very successful. Not only did I act the “king” wonderfully, but also got good marks on the final exam.)

問題二:描述一個例子,證明你用事實去說服別人。(Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.)

問題分析:此題的考查意圖在于說服他人的能力。所以, 你的描述應該非常直截了當, 先把大家的不同意見列出來, 以及他人為什么不同意;然后逐條以事實進行說服。


總述—是什么(what):我提出一項計劃,希望與鄰校的英語協(xié)會共同成立一個“英語樂園”。(I advanced a plan to found an English Garden in collaboration with the English Association in a neighboring university.)

背景(situation):我是本校英語協(xié)會的一名的會員,但我意識到協(xié)會舉辦的活動缺乏新意,不能夠有效地幫助同學們提高英語。并且,在離我們走路5分鐘的地方,有著另外一所高校。(When I was a member of the English Association in our university, I realized that the activities we organized lacked uniqueness and couldn’t effectively help the students improve their English. Our neighboring university is just a five-minute walk away from us.)

目標(target):我向協(xié)會主席提出了與鄰校共建英語樂園的想法。(I proposed the idea to the President of the Association that we found an English Garden in cooperation with the English Association in the neighboring university.)

措施(actions):我遇到了不少反對的意見,有些人認為我們學校的管理部門可能不會同意,并且建立英語樂園需要花費很大的人力成本,此外,“英語角”已經很多了,再新建一個“英語樂園”似乎意義不大。(The disagreements I met included: Our school authority may dissent. The cost would be high, and we didn’t have enough human resources to carry out this project. There were too many English corners;it was not very necessary to set up a new one.)

我通過我掌握到的實際資料進行說服:一方面,學校管理方面是認同這種做法的;并且我們合作的學??梢蕴峁┮欢ǖ呢斦С?,我們的會員可以自愿選擇參與這項活動。此外,我發(fā)動了一場投票,結果顯示英語角的確沒有滿足學生的需求。(The facts I made use of:Our dean approved this proposal. Our partner was willing to provide financial assistance, and our members volunteered to design the details of the plan and implement it. A poll showed that the current English corners did not meet the students’ requirements and lacked uniqueness.)

結果(result):那些持有反對意見的人接受了我的提議,我們成功建立了“英語樂園”?!坝⒄Z樂園”每周舉辦一次,并且每次活動都有超過百人參與。(Others were convinced and we successfully founded the English Garden. It’s run once a week now, each meeting attracts over a hundred students.)

問題三:描述一個例子,說明你如何獲得了技能,并且把這些技能轉化成實際應用。(Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.)

問題分析:這個問題的關鍵詞是“把技能轉化到實際運用(convert technical skills to practical application)”,即其真正的考查意圖是你的“學習及轉換能力”。


總述—是什么(what):我學會了如何用一個科學的方法組織問卷,并將這項技能運用到一項有關新啤酒的研究中。(I learnt how to arrange the questionnaire forms in a scientific way and use them in the survey of a new beer.)

背景(situation):在消費者關于新啤酒口味意見的調查中,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我們使用的問卷有些問題,限制了消費者回復的自由。(In the investigation of customer opinions about the taste of a new kind of beer, I found that the questionnaire form was out of date and limited the freedom of responses.)

措施(actions):我把這件事情告訴了我的上司,并且向一個在專門從事市場研究工作的朋友進行了咨詢,用新方法設計問卷表。之后,我自己設計了兩個表格,并把它交給上司,最后上司采用了我設計的其中一個方案。(I consulted my boss and a good friend who works in a professional marketing research company and learnt a new way of arranging questionnaire forms. I designed two new forms, and my boss chose one of them.)

結果(result):在這份改善后的問卷表的幫助下,我們公司獲得了更加客觀有用的信息。(With the help of the converted form, our company obtained more objective and useful information.)


問題四:描述一個例子, 你團結了一群人共同努力, 并為取得成功起到了帶頭作用。(Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others to complete an important task, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.)


問題五:描述一個例子,你找到相關信息,確定重點事項,然后決定了采取哪些步驟來獲得滿意的結果。(Describe a situation where you sought out relevant information, defined key issues, and decided on which steps to take to get the desired results.)


問題六:描述一個例子,證明你有效地與人合作,共同完成了一件重要的事情。(Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important goal.)

問題分析:此題的考查意圖在于團隊合作能力,關鍵詞為“與他人有效合作”(worked effectively with people)。所以,你的描述應該很清晰: 我做什么 別人做什么。

問題七:描述一個例子,你提供了一個創(chuàng)新的想法,使得某一個活動或者項目取得了成功。(Describe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which significantly contributed to the success of an activity or project.)

問題分析:此題的考查意圖在于你的創(chuàng)新能力。關鍵詞是“創(chuàng)新思想,使成功(creative idea, contributed to success)”。所以,你的描述要包括你的創(chuàng)新意識、創(chuàng)新依據、有了創(chuàng)新的想法之后如何去實現(xiàn)它,以及這個創(chuàng)新想法起到了多么重要的作用。

問題八:描述一個例子,說明你如何評估形勢,并且把精力放在最重要的事情上,然后取得了比較好的結果。(Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.)

問題分析:這個問題的關鍵詞是“評估形勢,集中精力”(assessed a situation, focused on the priorities),考查的是你分析事情和找到問題關鍵點的能力。所以, 你的描述應該是著重于自己的分析過程。



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