
《劍橋中國哲學導論》第二節(jié) 法家哲學中的論爭(3)

劍橋中國哲學導論 作者:(新加坡)賴蘊慧

儒家的政治等級制度--盡管它所允許的普通民眾的參與度非常有限--畢竟還是從仁政的角度出發(fā)承認國家治理與民眾之間有著相依關系(《論語·為政》第二十一章)。法家的治國理論明顯缺乏對民眾地位的重視。如上所述,法家哲學已被冠以“反革命”稱號,因為它拒斥治國為民的公論(Creel 1953:135)。戴聞達考察了這一意識形態(tài)的歷史嬗變。戰(zhàn)國時期的沖突與動亂促使某些人尋求強力:“這些君主首先感興趣的,是實實在在的強力。強力成為他們權威的新源泉。”(Duyvendak 1928:80)在法家思想中,國家利益等同于君主利益。




... the sage,considering quantity and deliberating upon scarcity and abundance,governs accordingly. So it is no charity to inflict light punishments nor is it any cruelty to enforce severe penalties:the practice is simply in accordance with the custom of the age. Thus,circumstances change with the age and measures change according to circumstances.(Han Fei Zi,Chapter 49,trans. Liao 1939,vol. 2:278)



There was in Sung a man,who tilled a field in which there stood the trunk of a tree. Once a hare,while running fast,rushed against the trunk,broke its neck,and died. Thereupon the man cast his plough aside and watched that tree,hoping that he would get another hare. Yet he never caught another hare and was himself ridiculed by the people of Sung.(Han Fei Zi,Chapter 49,trans. Liao 1939,vol. 2:276)

已經(jīng)發(fā)生變化的新形勢要求新的政治基礎?!俄n非子·難勢》議論慎到思想,對政治權威的本質講得最清楚。前面提到,慎到主張以勢為政治基礎建立君主的權威。韓非把君主的權威比作君主居于其上的云。云就是起支撐作用的勢。即便君主是能力有限的“蚓”,也能夠“乘云”。韓非沒有懷疑勢的重要性。不過他進而澄清,勢只有建立在法的基礎上才足夠牢靠:慎到愚蠢地認為,勢能夠自我保護。勢的擔保在于政治體系而非神采。商鞅與韓非已經(jīng)注意到,神采作為政治手段是無效的。他們以強硬立場回應了孔子的主張??鬃訌娬{,為政靠典范人格??鬃酉嘈?,實現(xiàn)共同的善需要培育民眾的德性:“君子之德風,小人之德草。草上之風必偃?!薄綯he excellence of the exemplary person is the wind,while that of the petty person is the grass. As the wind blows,the grass is sure to bend.(Analects 12:19,trans. Ames and Rosemont Jr 1998a:158)】(《論語·顏淵》第十九章)


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