晉代詩歌 Poems of the Jin Dynasty
Tao Yuanming(365-427),also known as Tao Qian,whose courtesy name was Yuanliang,was a native of Chaisang,Xunyang(today’s Jiujiang County in Jiangxi Province)in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Tao Yuanming was born in a declining official family.His father died early and his family lived in straitened circumstances.Fostered in this family background and living condition,Tao Yuanming was aloof from politics and material pursuits and did not seek fame and wealth.He was fond of reading books and was of outstanding literary talents.From twenty-nine to forty-one,off and on,he had held some official posts.Later,tired of the corruption and strife of the official circles,especially the successive years of war,he finally resigned his post and returned to his native place.He did not held any official posts any more until he died at the age of sixty-two.
Tao Yuanming’s literary works are of various forms:poetry,prose,ci and fu,and some of them are excellent.The Land of Peach Blossoms by him can be viewed as the Utopia of China,which reflects the labouring people’s strong desire to live a self-sufficient,equal and happy life without exploitation,oppression and war.
(1) 結廬在人境:住在許多人聚居的地方。廬(lú):簡陋的房屋。結廬:蓋房子。這句說的是把房子蓋在這里,也就是住在這里。
(2) 而無車馬喧:聽不到人來車往的嘈雜聲音。喧(xuān):喧鬧。而:連詞,承接上下句。
(3) 問君何能爾:請問你怎么能達到這種境界?君:古代對人的尊稱,相當于“您”。爾:如此。
(4) 心遠地自偏:自己的內(nèi)心已經(jīng)遠離了塵世的俗愿和爭斗,住的地方也就變得偏僻而寧靜。
(5) 采菊東籬下:在東邊的籬笆(lí bā)下采摘菊花?;h笆:用竹子或樹枝圍成的院墻。
(6) 悠然見南山:悠然自得、毫無心事地放眼遠看,無意間看到南邊的山(這里指廬山)。
(7) 山氣日夕佳:山里的氣象和景色無論白天、晚上都非常美麗。氣:氣象、景色。日夕:白天、晚上。
(8) 飛鳥相與還:空中飛鳥成群結伴飛回巢(cháo)穴。
(9) 此中有真意:這里面蘊(yùn)含著生活和生命的真正意義。
(10) 欲辨已忘言:想辨別尋找出這些真意,卻不知該用什么樣的語言表達出來。可以理解為詩人領會到了生活中真正的意義,卻無法表達,也就不想表達了。
Drinking Wine(V)
by Tao Yuanming
In people’s haunt I build my cot;
Of wheel’s and hoof’s noise I hear not.
How can it leave on me no trace?
Secluded heart makes secluded place.
I pick fenceside asters at will;
Carefree appears the Southern Hill.
The mountain air’s fresh day and night;
Together birds go home in flight.
What revelation at this view?
Words fail me if I try to tell you.
This poem was written when Tao Yuanming was drinking wine and picking flowers after he had broken with the official circles and returned to his hometown,living a tranquil and contented idyllic life.He composed twenty poems entitled Drinking Wine all together,and this is the fifth one.
The key of the poem is “if you’re free from desire and strife,then your whereabouts would be remote and peaceful”,and there are different explanations about what they mean.The rough idea is that one should purify his soul and banish distracting thoughts from his mind,and pursue no official ranks,status or vulgar material gains.He should live a fresh,healthy and self-satisfied life in a relaxed and free atmosphere.If he achieves this,no temptation outside can perturb him,and his body and thought would be in harmony with the happy nature.Only then can he really appreciate the beauty of nature and realize the true meaning of life.That’s the highest state one should pursue in life.
Tao Yuanming was trying to escape reality,but it’s very difficult for his thoughts to become true in the real social life.The reason that he had these thoughts was that he had seen through the official life and hated bitterly the corruption and struggle of the official circles,but he was unable to change the reality.At the same time his Utopian thought demonstrated his pure and high-minded disposition,which has been admired by lots of intellectuals who hate to live in the vulgar society.Tao Yuanming,who lived a melancholy life,won immortal fame and has been respected by later generations.
The most well-known lines in this poem are “I pick fenceside asters at will;Carefree appears the Southern Hill.”Chrysanthemums,having the unique character of blooming in autumn,symbolize the nobility of the poet.These lines,lovely and natural with a carefree mood,associate nature with the poet cleverly and make chrysanthemums loved very much by people.